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Camel Active outlet
"Camel Active”, "Calamar”, "Hattric”, "Dockers by Gerli” sÄ… markami kryjÄ…cymi siÄ™ pod szyldem salonu "Camel Active/ Dockers”. Oferowane przez nas produkty sÄ… idealnym rozwiÄ…zaniem dla mężczyzn ceniÄ…cych sobie zarówno wygodÄ™ jak i niezobowiÄ…zujÄ…cÄ… elegancjÄ™ idÄ…cÄ… w parze z wysokÄ… jakoÅ›ciÄ…. DziÄ™ki modnemu i nowoczesnemu wzornictwu oraz zastosowaniu najnowszych rozwiÄ…zaÅ„ technologicznych, nasze kolekcje sprostajÄ… oczekiwaniom nawet najbardziej wymagajÄ…cych Klientów. Marki te sÄ… znanÄ… na caÅ‚ym Å›wiecie wizytówkÄ… stylu casual. Dobrze dobrane obuwie jest nieodÅ‚Ä…cznym elementem efektownego wyglÄ…du, dlatego też zapewniamy różnorodność wyboru w zakresie oferty marek Dockers i Camel Active. Szeroki asortyment oraz miÅ‚a i fachowa obsÅ‚uga czyniÄ… sklep miejscem przyjaznym dla Klienta, a także zachÄ™cajÄ… do ponownych zakupów. Camel Active w FACTORY PoznaÅ„, Telefon: 061 652 30 29
iQcYebCwdGQO 30-03-2012 g. 11:59:54
first: the feeling eihbnd the dream: you seem unsettled, reserved to share it.Here's the layer I see beneath the dream:In the dream, I was walking along the sidewalk — in what city, I have no clue; Dreamville? — when I looked across the street. Here is what I saw:(first, you're alone, in a city you're not familiar with. this is a metaphor for loneliness and being unsure of oneself).A slightly beat-up, pink racing bicycle, left outside a shop.(I think this represents a female figure in your life. a mother or ex or current wife. someone in your life who you see as being slightly beat up/neglected but that you still value greatly).The bicycle turned into a camel. In running shoes. The camel sighed, then awkwardly folded its legs under itself to lie down. Might as well take a load off, he seemed to be thinking.(You are the camel. The reason you value that female person so much is because you see so much of yourself in them, which is why the bicycle became the camel. the camel has running shoes on because that is one of your main qualities. the camel is a sign of great stamina and the isolation that running brings. it is logical to connect a camel with distance running. But why are you sighing and AWKWARDLY folding your legs? you're still in that unknown city Dreamville, still unsure of yourself and your own body. There is something weighing on you, something in you that is slightly beat up and neglected).Also, the camel was wearing a red jacket, sort of like a larger version of a dog coat. On the side of the jacket was the logo of Colnago, an Italian bicycle maker.more representation of you.Well, I thought in the dream, there's something you don't see every day. That is totally going into the blog. I crossed the street to get a photo with my phone, but the camel stood up (on its hind legs, natch) and crowded in so close, I was unable to get the shot.(YOU will not allow yourself to be fully exposed and vulnerable to others in the real world. hence, YOU as the camel blocking YOU as the writer from sharing certain information (a clear picture of yourself). It's important to note that you did this by crowding in close. It's kind of a symbol for smothering yourself and stuffing certain feelings, hiding things from others. restraining yourself in certain ways; like having to begin a blog with a hefty disclaimer claiming that the post is weird for fear of being judged)The camel spoke, but I couldn't understand a word.(The part of yourself that is cutoff, that you can't fully comprehend, but know is there). -
johnansaz 19-04-2022 g. 01:29:02
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