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Marka Diverse - powstaÅ‚a po to, aby odpowiedzieć na potrzeby takiego klienta, który oczekuje różnorodnoÅ›ci i koncentruje siÄ™ na tym, co bÄ™dzie aktualne jutro. Dlatego też tworzÄ…c kolejne kolekcje Diverse czerpie inspiracje z trendów obecnych na ulicach najwiÄ™kszych miast, kultury klubowej, sportów ekstremalnych, oraz ze wszystkich innych miejsc i spoÅ‚ecznoÅ›ci, gdzie styl życia determinuje modÄ™. Diverse w Galerii Malta, Telefon: 061 658-11-98 

Marka Diverse - powstała po to, aby odpowiedzieć na potrzeby takiego klienta, ...
  • ZoHLwubvxdzwfvJ 29-03-2012 g. 13:27:54
    One of my colleagues rerited last month. Having faithfully paid into her pension most of her life, she now has an income of a grand total of a3105 per week! :-O That is roughly what I made with my website last month. Although that did include my counselling services, so my time, I know that ultimately I will be able to earn at the very least a decent top up' passively.I wish you the very best with your fantastic move and hope that it brings you happiness. Shame about the girl though. All I can suggest is that you visit my website dig around and you might come across some ideas on what might have gone wrong.Elly
  • markus 19-04-2022 g. 03:33:24
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